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A member registered Dec 25, 2016

Recent community posts

Congrats, you found a false positive :)

silly question... But did your hit the "R" Key to rotate the item?

So I've gotten very far into the game. To the point where there is more raft then ocean. So I would like to throw some data towards you guys hoping that it might help you.

Bugs That I know of.

  1. Floors while in the range of multiple pillars can bug out and not be placed.
  2. Potatoes can be harvested at any distance.

Balance Discussion

  • Tools
    • Durability: Currently Infinite. While handy in the early game, after a point the lack of a durability feature eventually leads to scrap being a useless resource.
  • Water Meter
    • Food: Foods give the player a certain amount of water when consumed. While this is nice I do not believe it is necessary. It takes only 4 water cookers to completely fill your water meter.
  • Storage
    • Currently not added.
  • Trees
    • Item rates: At the current build, trees gives the players roughly a 2:1 ratio of wood vs thatch. Due to a great deal of recipes requiring rope this quickly leads to massive wood overflow and requires storage. Unless the player invest into a massive amount of nets for their raft.
  • Shark
    • Maybe after so many deaths ( I suggest 10-15) an additional shark spawns. Once you get an established tree farm you can ignore the shark completely.
  • Potatoes
    • You can harvest 2 from a plant and only need 1 to plant. This leads to infinite potatoes. Neat.
Resource Management
  1. Water: Takes 4 Water stations to completely fill water from thirsty.
  2. Food: To Fill from hungry
    • 2 Cooked Shark
    • 3 Cooked Fish
    • 4 Cooked Potatoes
    • 6 Uncooked Shark
    • 7 Uncooked Fish
    • 8 Uncooked Potatoes
  3. Health: Unless you drown yourself its very hard to kill yourself in the game.